Safety First... Back Protectors

Safety First... Back Protectors

Though you may not realize it, studies have shown that equestrian sports have a higher injury risk than most other popular sports, including football. Wearing safety equipment is a reliable way to increase a rider’s odds of remaining safe and injury-free while enjoying their activities. And one of the most overlooked pieces of equipment for riding is a safety vest. Here’s what you need to know about horse riding back protectors/vests.

What are Horse-Riding Vests?

Horse-riding vests, also known as equestrian protective riding vests or safety vests, are designed for riders seeking additional protection for the torso area. Horse-riding vests are a piece of equestrian gear that can help reduce the impact on a rider who falls, shielding the spine, ribs, and internal organs. 

Protective riding vests are required in the cross country portion of an eventing competition. United States Pony Club (USPC) research shows a 56% reduction in the relative risk of injury for riders wearing a horse-riding vest. All USPC eventing competitions require members to wear protective vests while riding the cross country portion.

There are two types of vests: riding vests filled with air (sometimes called air vests) and body protectors. The key difference between them is that an air vest protects only once the garment inflates, while a body protector offers permanent, static protection. Research has shown that air vests provide some protection for flat falls and in the case of a horse landing on its rider during a fall. Body protectors offer additional defense against potentially dangerous objects like hooves and poles, which is why the British Equestrian Trade Association (BETA) recommends body protectors.

How Does a Horse-Riding Air Vest Work?

An air vest has a cord or a lanyard that attaches to the saddle. If the rider is ejected from the saddle, the cord or lanyard triggers the vest’s activation device. In turn, this action punctures the air canister, which instantly releases air to inflate the vest before the rider hits the ground. 

The air vest should be thoroughly inspected for tears after a fall and the deployment of the canister. If the fall is significant, you should have the manufacturer check the air vest to ensure it’s still working correctly. Make sure to replace the air canaster after any fall.

What to Look for When Buying a Horse-Riding back Protector

You’ll want to ensure that your riding vest fits well to make sure it can do the job it’s intended to do. Every rider is a different size and shape. If you purchase a body protector, look for the BETA 2009 or 2000 Level 3 standard for the best protection. 

For body protectors, all velcro markers should be covered. For both body protectors or air vests:

  • The top should reach the uppermost area of the sternum and the prominent bone at the base of the back of the neck.
  • The front should be at least two fingers’ width lower than the ribcage. You should be able to bend at the waist without the vest hitting your hip bone.
  • The vest should fit all the way around the torso.

The best way to check the back length is by sitting on a saddle. There should be at least a hand’s width between the cantle and the bottom of the vest. Consider changing your vest every three-to-five years to make sure it stays in proper working order. 

When to Wear 

Protective vests are a worthwhile safety investment for any rider but particularly for those engaged in high-impact sports like cross-country and hunting. Vests are gaining popularity for other riding disciplines both in competition and for recreational use as well. Additionally, it’s a good idea to wear a vest as a new rider or when working with a young or flighty horse prone to kick.